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Sunday 17 May 2020

Stay hydrated & healthy to beat the heat this summer

Stay hydrated & healthy to beat the heat this summer

Summer has already begun in Chennai. Comes with it are a variety of conditions like heat stroke, dehydration, boils, et al. The underlined point is that, one can battle them if they stay hydrated and healthy. It is that time of the year, where people need to be extremely cautious of what they eat and drink.

When the weather is sizzling, studies show that blood flow increases in the skin region to let the heat out. However, it restricts supply to muscles that leads to lethargy.

As the body temperature increases, enzymes actively burn glycogen, thereby depleting glucose. It becomes important to drink fluids to keep muscles and skin hydrated to maintain the internal cooling system.

Researches suggest that consumption of alkaline-laden and water-rich food can effectively cool the body down. So, be sure to include fruits like watermelon, pears, apples, plums, lemon and berries and vegetables like broccoli, sprouts and cucumber. Although what one eats counts, much care should also be taken in measuring the quantity of food consumed. Light, small and frequent meals is the right way to maintain a healthy body when the temperature spikes up.

Bored with the usual dishes made of dal? Choose salads. Lettuce, spinach, onion and corn are of great choice as the significant amount of water present can provide cooling effect and thin the blood. Just toss them in a sandwich without giving much thoughts.

However, food is not everything. There are certain practices that has to be followed to cope with the rising weather. Several researches state that taking oil bath, consuming coconut water and exercising early in the morning to be effective.

Taking bath with gingelly oil is an age-old practice that has still been in implementation as it ensures the blood flows easily to the head and also aids the supply in other parts of the body. Drinking tender coconut water revitalises the body due to the rich source of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. Performing routine exercises in the morning before 8 am, will also help stay afresh throughout the day as the temperature would not be high.

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